

2016年07月07日 10:47  点击:[ ]





On the Materials Physics Governing Epitaxial Crystal Growths


Professor  Ya-Hong Xie

Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The University of California Los Angeles; yhx@ucla.edu

Epitaxial growth of thin films has been an integral part the microelectronics industry and a rich field of materials science. At the core of epitaxy is the intricate interplay between thermodynamics and kinetics of the atoms on surfaces.

In this talk, I will share with you my personal view of the complex relation of energetic versus kinetics through an array of examples. The discussion of the specific examples follows the order of increasing complexity and includes:

1.       homo-epitaxy of Si on Si including doping;

2.       lattice mismatched hetero-epitaxy of SiGe on Si;

3.       polar-nonpolar hetero-epitaxy of InAs on Si;

4.       hetero-epitaxy with extra large lattice mismatch as in GaN on Silicon;

5.       the growths of 3-dimensional crystals on 2-dimensional van der Waals materials (graphene on graphene; GaN on graphene);

The discussions will highlight the importance of a clear sense of energetic and kinetics when dealing with each of these topics. Experimental as well as theoretical studies from our group at UCLA as well as from other groups from all around the world will be described when appropriate.  




谢教授在硅基半导体材料、器件多个领域都有卓越的建树。在贝尔实验室工作的14年里,他在以下几个科研领域做出了重要的贡献:掺杂中心产生的光致发光,VCSEL, 硅薄膜发光,锗硅材料分子束外延生长,锗硅异质结中位错动力学,自组装锗硅量子点,锗硅机构中高载流子迁移率二维电子气,等等。谢教授当前的研究方向是石墨烯的外延生长及应用,氮化镓的选择性外延生长,和新型纳米器件。







FIGURE. ab initio calculation of minimum energy configurations of the various clusters consisting different numbers of carbon atoms over graphene surface.

上一条:美国密西根大学迪尔本分校工学院副院长Prof. Yi Lu Murphey学术报告、3+2项目及博士招生宣讲

下一条:美国康涅狄格大学 (University of Connecticut) 的张亮教授学术报告


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